So, it's been quite a while since I posted anything, and I actually have a good excuse for once! I can't for the life of me figure out how to load pictures. AND I would like to change the background to my blog, and have all the blogs I follow on my blog page... I can't figure out how to do any of that. I guess I should get my wonderful sister-in-laws to help me, but they are all busy with their children and/or work. :( So here I am, wishing I could post so wedding pictures, 3 months late... but I can't figure out how. If you know enough to be able to walk me through it, I would greatly appreciate it!
News for the past month + some:
1. We adopted a little kitten named Lily, and she is adorable (insert cute picture here). She is a great cat, just sort of annoying at 5 in the morning when she wants us to get up and play with her. She likes to play fetch with pairs of socks or her little frog toy.
2. My little brother Jeff moved in with us to look for a job down in the heat! He could spend more time looking, but that's why he's here. We had a hard time getting used to each other again, but it's going pretty well now. We've always butted heads a little... sometimes a lot. I must say it's nice to have him around most of the time.
3. We got a dining room table! My brother Tyler and his wife Whitney recently moved, and didn't have room for their extra table, and asked if we could take it. We'd been eating from the coffee table or just putting our plates on our laps. I must say I never realized how nice it is to have a table to eat at! Tyler also gave us two night stands, which are also VERY nice to have!
4. Levi started school, which means we get up before 6am MWF mornings. While Lily loves this, I kind of have a hard time. Levi isn't excited to have to go to class, but he doesn't hate any of his professors, yet. I'm so proud of him!
5. We've had a few plumbing issues, first with our AC draining pipe, tube, whatever was plugged, so we were dribbling on our downstairs neighbor. We got that fixed, and then she was saying we were dribbling in her master bathroom, too... this time we had no idea what she was talking about. Two holes in the wall and one tub spout removed later, we find out it's the copper pipes that bring water for all four condos in our building that is leaking on her bathroom. Kinda depressing, but we're glad it's all fixed now!
So this is our life so far. Kinda eventful, too! One recent discovery that I have made is that I married a GREAT cook! Levi enjoys cooking, which makes me very happy, because I've never really enjoyed cooking anything. He's starting to teach me, so maybe someday I'll be a good cook, too! Life is wonderful! Just sayin'.